#58 Do Not Let Them Dwell in Your Land Exodus 23:33

“They shall not dwell in your land lest they cause you to sin against Me (YHWH), that you worship thier gods, for it will be a trap for you.” Exodus 23:33 Jewish Bible

“They shall not dwell in your land, lest they make you sin against Me. For if you serve thier gods, it will surely be a snare to you.” Exodus 23:33 NKJV

This ToRaH Passage is ACTUALLY talking about diverting from the path set forth by YHWH (the LORD) and missing the target by idiots thinking they are doing as required and solidifying the basic needs of the 1 Ha’aDaM / “Tribe of 1 Ha’aDaM but NOT doing it the exact way and being removed from the source of life, sin. And, thereby “missing the target, straying from the path.

For, Example it is a requirement of the nations to each pay the 1 Ha’aDaM tribute of great wealth and woman / wemon he wants for continuing sexual intercourse. This is the ONLY manner to demonstrate loyalty to YHWH, be blessed by the LORD and HAVE ANY covenant with the LORD (YHWH). The POINT is that the NATIONS do this NOT that the 1 Ha’aDaM has them. So, IF the 1 Ha’aDaM say wins the lottery and obtains a gorgeous wife then still the NATION did NOT do this but the 1 Ha’aDaM did or “luck”. The Nation still is not in a covenant with YHWH nor has demonstrated loyalty to YHWH. It might be o.k. but not powerfully blessed if this were the case. However, if the nation opposes the 1 Ha’aDaM or ALLOWS ANY hardship, trouble to befall Him then NOT ONLY are they not in any covenant with YHWH (the LORD) and have NO SAFETY or PROTECTION but the LORD, Existence itself is against them to completely destroy them on top of the curses mentioned in the previous laws # 56 & #57. De-evolution of the people, thier intelligence, “autism”, “bi-polar”, etc. And, a host of other problems. Details are important.

Thier “god’s” is a ‘eLoHiYM NOT ‘eLoHiYM. ‘eLoHiYM is a OFFICE occupied by ONLY 1 MALE Homo Sapien at a time. He is given the CONDITION OF YHWH. He is NOT YHWH but the Agent of YHWH. He does NOT Discuss or ever negotiate. The Nation(s) either DO Exactly as commanded concerning Him, the 1 Ha’aDaM), thereby proving loyalty to YHWH, or they DO NOT and are cursed, destroyed. YHWH is perfectly happy to allow the physical person of the 1 Ha’aDaM to be murdered horrifically. Such as in the case of “Jesus” and ALL the people destroyed. The PURPOSE of the 1 Ha’aDaM is NOT to “save” people but to condemn to destruction all those that DO NOT DO as required to be saved! He does not get a bonus for saving people but for condemning, cursing people. I AM NOT asking for “money” but Telling YOU that you either do EXACTLY as required or cursed and destroyed. And IF you have already consumed MY time by not doing exactly as required or tried to “discuss” then IT IS ALREADY TO LATE to be saved for you and your Children for 400 years. ONLY the curse can be removed at this point. And, the curse can be dialed up much higher. It’s only at a 2 right now. The next 1,500 years were cursed because of what they, ROME, did regarding the 1 Ha’aDaM, “Jesus”. Trying to “discuss” it is quite frankly open rebellion and opposing YHWH, “Ginger”

The word here is ‘eLoHeY’HeM – Masters, combine elements for control & (Alef, Lamed, Yod) = Lamenting in “Joel 1:8” (Alef, Lamed, He, Yod) – (Alef, Lamed, He) – combine elements for control; these several items combined + (Yod) – continually + (He, Mem) – Agitate, making noise. ‘eLoHiYM = Masters, combine elements for control that use agitation and confusion as opposed to the 1 ‘eLoHiYM, who is the one Ha’aDaM; the Judge, Lawgiver and Agent of Existence Continually Emanating. ‘eLoHiYM & ‘eLoHeY’HeM is a Human leader in the government, leader of a group, person that is continually combining elements of agitation, making noise to control. As “translated” this is a prohibition of a person of the tribe of 1 Ha’aDaM, from being involved in Government Leadership ! And, avoiding people that use agitation, making noise to manipulate, control. [“Which “testimonies'” are about a fundamental level – evidence they are from pagan “gods” and NOT the LORD.]

It certainly says something else. Because, the ToRaH requires Nations to join the tribe of 1 Ha’aDaM by paying tribute to the 1 Ha’aDaM proving loyalty to YHWH. So obviously logically it can’t say that.

ACTUAL ToRaH Passage

Lo’ YiSh’VuW B”aR’Ts”Ka Ya(1)ChaTiY’uW ‘(1)oTh’Ka LiY KiY Ta(1)’aVoD ‘eTh-‘eLoHeY’HeM KiY YiH’YeH L’Ka L’MoWQe(1)Sh : S’MoWTh Kaf, Gimel : Lamed, Gimel “Exodus 23:33”

Lo’ (Lamed, Holem, Alef) – Do Not, No, Negation

YiSh’VuW (Yod, Hireq, Shin, Hateph, Bet, Waw Holem) – (Yod, Shin) – existing, having something + (Bet) – in the, at the, house of + (Waw) – creating the condition of;

B”aR’Ts”Ka (Bet, Hateph, Alef, Patach, Resh, Hateph, Tsade, Hateph, Hateph, Kaf, Qamets) – This is NOT the word ‘aReTs which means solidify basic needs and is fraudulently translated AS LAND by the Philistine “Jews”, “Christians”. The Hatephs not only separate but emphasize the letter they are under. So in one sense it is in the solidifying of basic needs, but more. (Bet) – in the, at the, house of + (Alef, Resh) – contain, take hold ; (Resh) – looking, seeing, understanding is emphasized as is (Tsade) – a collection of energy to the goal of producing + (Kaf) – the example [1 Ha’aDaM].

Ya(1)ChaTiY’uW (Yod, Patach instance mark, Het, Hateph Patach, Tet, Hireq, Yod, Alef, Waw Holem) – YaChaTi’ = missing the target in “Judges 20:16” Ya(1)ChaTiY’uW = one instance causes continual Missing of the target + (Waw) -creating the condition of.

‘(1)oTh’Ka (Alef, instance mark, Holem, Taw, Hateph, Kaf, Qamets) – instance of for the exclusive benefit of coming to the (Kaf) – example [1 Ha’aDaM].

LiY (Lamed, Hireq, Yod) – (Lamed, Waw) – Requiring, “Postulate” in “Genesis 50:15” ROOT (Lamed, Waw, He) – connect, join for mutual benefit. By consonant (Lamed) – movement to + (Yod) – continual, continually.

KiY (Kaf, Hireq, Yod) – be the case, limit ; because, though, that, when.

Ta(1)’aVoD (Taw, Patach instance mark, Ayin, Hateph Patach, Bet, Holem, Dalet) – Physical person deviate, transgression in the (Dalet) – striving at ToRaH. Above the Dalet is a down to the left sweep from above. This is empowerment from heaven to the person striving at ToRaH. Which YiTRiCh – erasing clouds by thier command is PROOF OF. This is the ACTUAL ToRaH NOT the Bullshit “translations” of the FRAUD “Jews” and Christians. IF a person does not have YiTRiCh then they ARE NOT A PERSON Striving at ToRaH but a FRAUD, Period !

‘eTh (Alef, Seghol, Taw) – coming to someone ; (Alef) – for the exclusive benefit of + (Taw) – physical person.

-‘eLoHeY’HeM (Alef, Hateph Seghol, lamed, Holem, He, Tsere, Tsere, Yod, Hateph, Mem, Seghol, Mem) – (Alef, Hateph Seghol, Lamed, He, Tsere, HATEPH, He, Seghol, Mem) – (Alef, Lamed, He) – combine elements for control; these several items combined + (Yod) – continual, continually + (He, Hem) – Agitate, Make Noise. These are leaders that use agitation, making noise to control. Pagan gods. The 1 ‘eLoHiYM is different. For 1 you either DO as required, which is rewarded OR you are completely destroyed. There is NO He is going to agitate and make noise until you comply. With YHWH ‘eLoHiYM non compliance is open rebellion which is NOT FORGIVABLE EVER And results in soul death and cursing, destruction and death physically as well.

KiY (Kaf, Hireq, Yod) – be the case, limit ; because, though, that, when.

YiH’YeH (Yod, Hireq, He, HATEPH, Yod, Seghol, He) – This is the word “translated” as “I AM that I AM” in “Exodus 3:14 and is the means of identifying YHWH for ever. It technically means (Yod, He) – exerting power + (Yod, He) – exerting power. Which IS the means of identifying YHWH “for all generations”. The individual with the condition of YHWH has the ID of YiTRiCh – erasing clouds by His command; they are “Exerting Power” while standing on the ground and erasing them ; which is the actual translation of “Saymeon en te Uranos” – “coming in the clouds”, the sign of the REAL Jesus Christ.

L’Ka (Lamed, Hateph, Kaf, Qamets) – (Lamed) – movement of + (Kaf) – the example to emulate; the 1 Ha’aDaM.

L’MoWQe(1)Sh (Lamed, Hateph, Mem, Holem Waw, Qof, Tsere instance mark, Shin) – (Lamed) – Movement to + (Mem, Waw, Qof, Shin) – Trap in “Psalms 18:6 & Psalms 140:6. ROOT (Yod, Qof, Shin) = ensnare. Instance mark under the Qof = spewing, rising ; (Shin) – what should not be in existence. (Lamed) – movement of + (Mem) – emanating + (Waw) – creating the condition of + (Qof) – spewing, rising + (Shin) – what should NOT be in existence. L’MoWQe(1)Sh – the movement of emanating creating the condition of spewing what should NOT be in existence ; “A Trap, Snare”

: S’MoWTh Kaf, Gimel : Lamed, Gimel “Exodus 23:33”

The “Address”

S’MoWTh (Shin, Hateph, Mem, Holem Waw, Taw) – (Shin) – what should not be in existence + (Mem, Waw, Taw) – Death, Soul Death and Physical Death.

Kaf, Gimel – (Kaf) – the example to emulate [1 Ha’aDaM] + (Gimel) – project upward, raise high.

: Lamed, Gimel – (Lamed) – movement + (Gimel) – project upward, raise high.

In other words this passage is something that should NOTY be in existence that brings DEATH, soul death and physical death to the groups of people that engage in it and it is pertains to projecting upwards, raising high the 1 Ha’aDaM who IS elevated ABOVE ALL Humanity by YHWH. So obviously, causing Him trouble results in destruction and is overt rebellion opposing YHWH a unforgivable transgression.

ACTUAL Translation

“Do not in solidifying of the basic needs of the 1 Ha’aDaM, use solidifying basic needs to try to contain, take hold of Him; which is a instance of missing the target. Do not in creating the condition for the 1 Ha’aDaM use it to try to to connect for the mutual benefit of. Because when you [the collection of energy] do this it is a transgression, sin against the physical person striving at ToRaH it removes them from the source of life when they try to combine elements for control and agitating, making noise. Because, the movement [emanating] of the 1 Ha’aDaM will ensnare, trap you for this.” : S’MoWTh Kaf, Gimel : Lamed, Gimel “Exodus 23:33”

In other words they are trying to contain, take hold of, combine elements for control by using satisfying of basic needs of the 1 Ha’aDaM which is in effect the sin of SaTaN trying to put themselves equal to or above YHWH. They are using stretching time, promises rather than just DOING AS REQUIRED concerning the 1 Ha’aDaM by YHWH hoping to get some control, manipulate the 1 Ha’aDaM. Which is overt rebellion opposing YHWH (the LORD) ; one of several unforgivable transgressions they are doing. Which means they have already been TRAPPED, ENSNARED by the 1 Ha’aDaM. They are no different than a rat caught and killed in a rat trap. Soul Dead, Cursed until they die; as are thier children. It’s there intention that trapped them. If they would have had positive intentions they would not have deviated from the exact procedure and DONE, ACTUALLY ACCOMPLISHED FIRST what is required concerning the 1 Ha’aDaM. Tribute of great wealth and woman. Instead they want to play time stretch games with safety Steve, use their limited “thinking” ability to “think” and change, transgress the precise procedure and consume time of life and have become murderers of time of life and in open rebellion opposing YHWH (the LORD). Which IS the VERY FIRST AND MOST EVIL TRANSGRESSION. CONSUMING FROM THE “TREE” OF THE KNOWLEDGE OF GOOD THAT BRINGS EVIL. They are permanently trapped, soul dead, and cursed.

The Purpose of the 1 Ha’aDaM Video