1 ) In Those Days There Was No King in Israel – The Command of YHWH of the King that He Sets over people to Obey so that all will go well with them. The Correct Translation of Deuteronomy 17 : 17 How backwards, wrong, fraudulent, false “translations” of this ToRaH passage are and the true meaning.

2) Perfect Love – “..He brought me into His banqueting house, And, His banner over me was Love..” Song of Solomon 2:4 MKJV – What the Love of the King Is.

3) What Biblical Prostitution Really Is. The real meaning of Leviticus 19:29 And, Why America has become wicked. “Do Not Prostitute your daughter; to cause her to be a harlot, lest the land fall into harlotry, and the land become full of wickedness“. Leviticus 19:29

4) The Path of Life Requires Killing These People. “You will teach me the way of life fullness of joys is in your presence, pleasures at your right hand forever.” PSalms 16:11 FAKE GoWY translation. The minimum requirements of the paths of life.

5) The Return of Jesus Christ – Proof in the New Testament that Jesus had the required sign of the 1 Ha’aDaM and Exercised it, proved it openly and this is what He commanded people to watch for in the future for the return of the 1 Ha’aDaM, “Time of Visitation.”

6) The Deceptive Regarding the ToRaH Are Made Blind, Stupid, Without Understanding About Physical Reality – Exegesis of the actual translation of “Genesis 1:7” ; B’ReShiYTh Alef : Zayin and how the energy field of the earth itself keeps those that are deceptive regarding the Holy Matter of the ToRaH from understanding and the Ability to Look, See, and Understand. They are made confused, stupid and ignorant. “Blind.”

7) How the Heavens Declare the Glory of God. What the Exact method in physical reality of how the “heavens”, atmosphere and water declare the glory of God (‘eLoHiYM – who is the 1 Ha’aDaM.) “The heavens declare the glory of God (‘eL); And, the firmament show His handiwork. Psalms 19:1 NKJV – GoWY translation. Exegesis of the actual translation of Psalms 19:1

8) What is Babylon, Who is NiM’RoD & The Killer Rainbow – The real meaning NiM’RoD and Baylon’s Purpose, Modus Operendi. Exegesis of “Genesis 10 : 8 ; B’ReShiYTh Yod, Het

9) Electronic Mind Control – Foretold in the ToRaH. The Actual translation of Joel 2:28 & 29 and Satanic meaning of its false translation used by frauds to try to undermine the word of the LORD. TWITTER & MSM as a example of the real meaning of Joel 2:28 & 29.

10) The Mist – Real Evolution. How the magnetic field of the earth that emanates from TsiYoWN, the core of the earth, causes evolution or de-evolution based on how people respond to the 1 Ha’aDaM. Exegesis of “Genesis 2:6” ; B’ReShiYTh Bet, Waw. What the “rapture” really is. Exegesis 2:6 & 7 + Exodus 7:12 what is Rod of God.

11) No Benefits Without Responsibility – The Meaning of Melchizidek

“Watch therefore, for you do not know neither the day nor the hour in which the Son of Man is coming.” Matthew 25:12

4 boldface Proven LIES in the Bible documented. Exegesis of Genesis 14:18, every jot and tittle. One thing that the ToRaH is clear about in it’s original Ancient Hebrew meaning is that it is the responsibility of the Leaders and People of nations to Know and recognize the 1 Ha’aDaM when He arrives in Physical form on the earth. When He reveals Himself they are to act immediately. If they don’t do that they get no benefits and no “Grace”.

12) The Sign of Jesus Christ – The Required Sign of Jesus Christ that He must have when on Earth in a physical body AND DID HAVE, DEMONSTRATE when He WAS on earth in a physical body the previous times. Both New Testament and ToRaH demand this proof, this diadem, this fact in physical reality NOT “belief”.

13) Love is a Action Not a Feeling. – What the Love of God (‘eLoHiYM) is and it is far removed from what people are taught what love is. The actual exegesis and meaning of “Genesis 1:27”, B’ReShiYTh Alef : Kaf, Zayin. What being created in “Gods Image” really means.

14) De-Evolving into Pre-Adamic Cannibals – Who is really Greedy and Why people in America are De-Evolving into Pre-Adamic Cannibal Cavemen ; The biblical curse the United states has instituted on itself. Actual exegesis of Genesis 3:19 “In the sweat of your face you shall eat bread till you return to the ground For out of it you were taken; For dust you are, and to dust you shall return.” “Genesis 3:19” Fake FRAUD GoWY translation

15) What is Hope and Who has it ? The word translated as “Hope” actually means something entirely different. A study on “Hope” and Exegesis of Psalms 42:12 “…..Hope in God; For I shall yet praise Him, The help of my countenance and My God.” Psalm 42:12 b Fraud GoWY “translation”.

16) Physical Health, Vitality, Spiritual and Mental Illumination causing and Creating the Conditions of Spiritual AND Mental Illumination. Restoring a Rejuvenating Physical Health through the ToRaH.

17) Sh’Ma’ – The ONE. Exegesis of the Actual translation of Deuteronomy 6:4 of the Sh’Ma’ “Shemah” – the famous saying central to Judaism. What the Sh’Ma’ ACTUALLY says which is very different from the Shemah that is the fraud translation. What really is “the Name” of YHWH.

18) Jesus Had the Required ID. The Required ID, Proof that ONLY the 1 Ha’aDaM has and is required by the ToRaH to demonstrate. Proof that Jesus demonstrated this and it is Exactly what He told people to Watch For. Proof that I AM the return of the REAL Jesus Christ and the “Church” is a fraud of SaTaN.

19) SEX – Why Women Are in a state of confusion about everything. The male(s) that a woman allows to ejaculate in her vagina determine if a woman is serene, peaceful, intelligent or confused and ruled by confusion. Women that have Sex with any man that opposes the 1 Ha’aDaM or does not have sex with a man that is a member of the tribe of the 1 Ha’aDaM are caused confusion, pain, and toil by YHWH (the LORD – existence itself) [which includes nuns.] It is a curse for fraternizing with those that are NOT loyal to YHWH and members of the tribe of the 1 Ha’aDaM. Women that have Sex with a man that is a member of the tribe of the 1 Ha’aDaM are given supernatural peace, certainty, illumination from YHWH and the Earth itself. Exegesis of “Genesis 3:16”

20) The “Blood” of Jesus -What It Really Is. Exegesis of Exodus 12:7

What Human Blood is; Its function and how it emanates, responds to the ToRaH. The deeper meaning of the “Blood” of Jesus.

21) Degradation of Language – Why neither “Jews” nor Christians have the ability to know or understand the divine language and how they can obtain that ability.

22) The Mount of Olives and “A eye for a eye”. Spicy Post. Will Jesus touch down on the Mount of Olives? A look at Zechariah 14:4 that shows it is really covering up a important law to ascend mankind and NOT at all about the Mount of Olives or a Earthquake. Also a look at “A eye for a eye” and its relation to this Law of physical existence.

23) “God” of the Robots and AI. A exegesis of the Actual translation of Genesis 1:1. Who is the “God” of the AI, Robots, and Aliens? Robots, Aliens, and AI have a ruler beyond their maker and programmer.

24) Opposing YHWH (the LORD – Absolute Existence) by being Befitting and “Appropriate”. People use being befitting and “appropriateness” to oppose YHWH and how they do this. The use of acceptance to make people conform and price of acceptance.

25) True Witchcraft – ONLY certain people have the power to curse and their curses are actualized by existence. For, others that think they are doing witchcraft they are deluded with ritualistic behavior. Who can exercise true witchcraft and how to obtain this power to become a true warlock, witch.

26) Evil Disguises – What a “Philistine” is, Good and Evil; The Truth about Ruth & Boaz and David and Bathsheba. None of these violated the ToRaH in actual meaning as Christians say.

27) Why Christianity Has Prospered Why has Christianity been allowed to grow the previous 2,000 years even though it is backward, wrong.

28) The Majesty of B’ReShiYTh – The Coronation of His Majesty of Creation at the right Hand of YHWH.

29) The Quantum Leaping of YHWH ‘eLoHiYM – The LORD (YHWH), Creator of Each moment of Existence Everywhere that upholds continually all molecules in existence, Quantum Leaps into 1 instance of a male Human throughout History and occupies the office of ‘eLoHiYM of a solar system, visiting the humans in that system as the Hypostatic Union of YHWH ‘eLoHiYM – The REAL Jesus Christ.

30) The Breasts of the Harlot – The “Wheel”, YULE of the Year and the precession of the equinoxes of the ecliptic plane of the solar system relative to the milky way. What the Holidays really are about. Why they are wrong and the TRUE cause of Climate Change. The first point and difference in the Great Schism of the Church and separation of the Eastern Orthodox, Russian Orthodox from the Western Church.

31) I Sat On A Cat – One letter difference between Bat, Cat, or Sat. But, this letter is a immense difference in meaning. The Cabal behind ALL “translations” of the Bible, including Jewish “Translations” use this trick to commit immense fraud. A Example of their brazen deceit playing on peoples ignorance that “think” they are studying the bible in original languages. “A righteous man hates lying.” This is the 2nd difference of the Great Schism of the Church separating East Orthodox, Russian Orthodox from Western Christianity.

32) Did Christ Fulfil the Law? What does that mean ? This is a common misconception by people that preach unlawful mercy and false grace. The “Lawless”. “Depart from me those who practice lawlessness.”

33) A Terrifying Truth – A exercise in Logic of statements written in the Christian Bible. Most people don’t actually believe what they say but try to convolute things into believing as they WANT.

34) Exegesis of Isaiah 7:14. Immanuel; ‘iMaNuW ‘eyL; The true meaning, not God with US but how to recognize and connect to, be with God. On a physical level imprinted on the water of your physical body.

35) Proof Jesus was conceived by Sexual copulation between Joseph and Mary and Christianity itself is the Anti-Christ.